Your 528 Journey 

528 hertz

The Global Family Group
The Global Family Group is founded on the hypothesis, research, and discovery that we are created with consciousness to choose love or evil.
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Your Journey Begins
by: Hunter Toyofuku-Aki

Your Journey

begins with several questions to empower you as you evolve in consciousness and harmony with creation: 

1. Why is this world dysfunctional?
2. Why is there such a wide gap between wealth and poverty?
3. How is it that 1% of the people manipulate and abuse 99% of the people?
4. Why is money the measurement of your value?
5. Why is humanity so destructive?
6. Why do we live in a paradigm of abuse, slavery, and suffering?

These few questions set the stage for my hypothesis and research “Is Love Energy?” which brings me to The Global Family Group’s Definition of Love.

Global Family Group Definition of Love

Everything is energy and measurable 

through frequency and vibrations. Love is a word, and when spoken, its transmission converts to frequency and vibration.

We are the true intrinsic value, all humanity, for we are created with consciousness. We have the empowerment and free will with our consciousness to choose precisely which energy to harmonize into our energy space.

Music is frequency and vibration and when perfectly and precisely aligned we experience the harmony, the feel-good experience, the happy experience, the caring experience, the experience of being the best of who you are.

Through the progression of my research, I discovered that I was disconnected consciously from creation’s clear channel transmission that is precisely transmitting the frequency and vibrations that brings us in precise harmony alignment with creation and ourselves.

Global’s definition of Love is precisely experienced

by connecting consciously to creation’s clear channel transmission that brings us in harmony precisely, and alignment with creation and ourselves, whereby we recognize the best of who we emerges consistently and the word LOVE precisely aligns in harmony with other words such as brilliance, compassion, passion, inspiration, sensitivity, thriving, happiness, and freedom.

We are sensitive, inspired, empowered as we acknowledge “We are the Value“ 
and consciously we are empowered to live love and love life in harmony with creation.

Which brings each of us to have a better understanding

of how we all make this world a better place by starting with the man or women in the mirror, intending ourselves to consciously connecting the word LOVE in precise alignment and harmony with creation.

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Definition of Love
by: Hunter Toyofuku-Aki
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Global’s Journey is Your Doorway
by: Hunter Toyofuku-Aki

Global’s Journey is Your Doorway

to evolve consciously

with all of us sensitively aligning in pure harmony with creation and acknowledging that you are the true intriinsic value. You are unconditional Love. So Global Family Group’s Definition of Love is “You are Love.”

Global Family Group Definition of Love

“You are Love“