The Global Family Group Recording and Publishing

Welcome World!!! 

And Welcome Home!!! Whether you are correcting your status, or an official, enjoy your journey! And even though you are coming home to the land & soil, it doesn't mean you can't spend some time at the beach. "We are the Value," 8 billion precious people! Evolving consciously in harmony, pure harmony, pure love harmony, alignment with creation.


Click on the appropriate button link in the navigation bar.
1. Click Officials/Account Holders to be directed to the Global Verify website.
2. Click Status Corrected to be directed to the appropriate form for Global Status Verification.
3. Click Document Recording & Publishing for new individuals to begin your Global Verification and Status Correction.
4. Please check your email for any notifications.
Thank you!

Video - Instructions Video - Instruction Notes Pdf - Instructions Notes Learn More - Why to Correct Your StatusConnect with your Country or State Assembly


A Movement of Love, Light, and Liberation, Evolving
Concsiously, Resonating in Harmony with Creation.