An account where prosperity is your birthright because you are the true intrinsic value.
A personal and business account at your fingertips
1. As an Individual or Unincorporated Company in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil.
2. No Taxes / No IRS in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil.
3. No Insurance in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil.
4. No Interest / No Usury in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil 5. No Licensing, no Registration, no Applications in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil.
5. No Inflation / Deflation in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil
6. No Bail Ins / Bail Outs or Seizures in the Lawful De jure Jurisdiction of the Land & Soil.
7. Global InstaPay© DIRECT PAYMENT
8. Gold Asset-backed Federation Dollar (AFD)
9. AFD equivalent to USD is by Gold Standards set by The United States of America Unincorporated Federation Treasury. Adjusted to the current Gold market price.
Additional Prosperity Features:
1. A safety vault on the land and soil.
2. Enables you to move your FRNs to safekeeping.
3. Your Prosperity Union account enables unincorporated business on the land and soil.
The American Federation Dollar (AFD) is the Gold Asset-Backed Currency on The Land & Soil by the unincorporated Federation Treasury of The United States of America. Status Correction is necessary to come home to the Land and Soil.